Laksmipurajelara headquarters Lakshmipur police station , about 4 kilometers north of the No. 5 parbatinagara Union Council .
There are many educational institutions in this union. Due to which the rate of students here is 85%. Besides, there are many places of interest, many mosques and temples. There are temples of Agarkal.
1. Volume-16 Bg
2. Population - about 30,500
A) Male - 15,000
B) Women - 15,500
3. Literacy rate - 80%
4. Birth registration - 95%
5. Sanitation - 80%
6. Pakarasta - 15 km
6. Raw road - 20 km
6. Educational Institutions:
A) 1 college implemented
B) 4 secondary schools
C) 11 primary schools
C) 3 madrasas
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS