At present there is no branch of social service office in Parbatinagar union no. 05 for which people provide services through social service office located in Laxmipur Sadar upazila.
Distance of Union Parishad from Laxmipur Sadar Upazila is 3.75 km.
From Laxmipur Sadar Upazila, you can come to Union Parishad or Chowdhury Kachari Bazar by easy bike or CNG.
Transportation from Laxmipur Sadar Upazila to Union:
Easybike Rent Rs. 20 (per person)
CNG fare rate 20 rupees (per person)
Travel information from Union to different villages:
From Chowdhury Kachari Bazar to Sonapur Bazar
CNG fare Rs 10 (per person)
Chowdhury Bazar to Banglabazar
Rickshaw fare 10 Taka (per person)
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS