Physician or doctor (( English : Physician / in Doctor) Is a type of healthcare provider whose profession (i.e. medical or medical) is to maintain or restore human health by monitoring, diagnosing and treating physical or mental illness, injury or disorder. If any of them specialize in a particular type of disease (such as neurological diseases, diabetes, heart disease, etc.) or patients (such as children, infants, the elderly, etc.) or specialists in the practice of medicine (such as neurosurgery, physiotherapy, etc.) Called specialist. Others who are person-centered, family-centered, community-centered, etc., on different grounds, regardless of age or disease, They are called general practitioners who treat the various diseases of the common people gradually or in the best possible way. The proper use of medicine depends not only on the basic reading knowledge of medicine, but also on the applied artistic expertise in applying this science in a sophisticated way. Physicians are closely associated with other health care professionals (such as pharmacists, nurses, dentists, etc. involved in the pharmaceutical industry).
The following is the list of registered doctors employed in this union-
Sequential |
Name |
Title |
Mobile |
1) |
Pradeep Kumap Chakraborty |
01720207600 |
2) |
Nazrul Islam |
H.A. |
01831326906 |
3) |
Md. Anwar |
The |
01722463793 |
4) |
Md. Abdus Salam |
The |
01731640665 |
5) |
Santosh Ranjan Bhowmik |
The |
01714280770 |
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS